The Greensburg Art Center WINTER HOURS
T, W, TH, F, and Saturday from 10am-4pm.

The “VISION” Exhibition will be followed by “VISION +”. Exhibitors may keep their entries up or exchange them for other pieces at no additional charge. Artists not in “Vision” who would like to exhibit in “Vision +” may do so as space allows. PICK UP OF ALL WORK IS APRIL 23. Members and non-members who would like to enter art in “Vision+” may do so by paying the $15 entry fee and delivering the art on Friday , March 5 or Saturday, March 6, 10 AM -4:00 PM. Please contact Rose Sovyak for questions, 412-558-0810.

Participating Artist info on the prospectus
Registration for the juried show is now over. (Deadline: Mar 12, 12 pm)
The Biennial Exhibition is now scheduled for May 15-June 25. The prospectus and online entry form are available at the website ENTRIES ARE DUE MARCH 12. The juror for the BIENNIAL is KURT SHAW, a commercially successful artist. He was an Art Critic for the Trib Total Media (2001-2017), and owner of Shaw Galleries in Downtown Pittsburgh 2001-2017. Since 2002 and currently, Shaw continues to paint and work full time as an appraiser of valuable art, antiques or unusual old items. Contact him at KURT SHAW & COMPANY INC, 412-944-4159,
A memorial garden for Bill and Kay Rowe will be installed at the entry to the gallery. It will include a pathway, bench, boulders and perennials. Milanscape has been chosen for this project. A reception will be held when it is complete.
A memorial sculpture by artists Ginger and Gary Hepler and Rose Sovyak will be installed by the Todd School side of the building near the entry to the classroom. It will feature metal framework and a stained glass mosaic color wheel. Also, the executive committee has decided to hang a painting of Cathy’s as part of the permanent collection.
DONATIONS — For all of you who love the Greensburg Art Center SHOW YOUR SUPPORT IN A MEANINGFUL WAY TO HELP US CONTINUE TO SERVE AS A TRUE COMMUNITY ART CENTER THROUGH YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE CENTER… donate via PayPal or at or Call 724-837-6791 or Mail your contribution to Greensburg Art Center, 230 Todd School Road, Greensburg, PA 15601
SPECIAL THANKS to Shannon Morich, Teresa Palmer, Betty Hammer, Bev Kohler and Mary Ann Calabrese for their recent donations.
Classes will begin in March. Beginning Pottery – March 11, Art History and Oil Painting (both virtual )- March 18, Oil Painting with Doreen Currie- March 17, Drawing Dynamics- March 23 Drawing the Model -March 26, Painting Boot Camp – March 27 & 28. 6 Sessions of Children’s Classes start TH, March 25. Clay for Kids beginning April 17. There will be additional classes beginning in April. The entire Spring brochure and registration is on the website. A brand-new offering is Monotype Samplers with Eileen Yeager. Several printmaking processes will be explored. The Executive Committee has decided to include in the NEWSLETTER area offerings that could benefit our Members.
*YOU ARE HERE 406, Jeannette WOMEN IN ART–Deadline March 5
*Art NATIONALS, Twin Lakes Arts and Heritage Festival–Deadline March 5
*The Westmoreland Museum of American Art: Call for Op-Up Exhibition Proposals. The Westmoreland is accepting proposals for Pop-Up Exhibitions, which are held in the Robertshaw Gallery (adjacent to the lobby on the 1st floor).
* Opportunity for Artist Market Members Only: GAC is accepting “Small Works. For guidelines, please go to under Artist Market. Watch for more details in e-mails and Facebook.
NEXT MEMBER MEETING will be Monday, March 8 at 7pm.
Individual – $40. Family – $70. Student (college) – $25. Artist market – $40
CORRESPONDENCES SECRETARY’S REQUEST Please send information for get well, sympathy, thinking of you, etc. cards to Barbara Park at Greensburg Art Center, 724-837-6791 or messenger on GAC web page.
MONITOR MANAGER Loretta Wolfe is scheduling the volunteers and is finding substitutes when necessary. If interested in helping by agreeing to take one 3-hour shift, please contact Loretta.
Committees need helping hands–installing exhibitions, mailings, receiving/picking up art, opening set-ups, take-downs, etc.
INSTAGRAM To view GAC on Instagram, go to, download the free app, and type in (all one word) in the “Search” box at the top of the page. For our members who want to share their work and be shown as a member of GAC, please send photos and comments in an email jkmoreno3@ Note: March 29 is the final submission date for April’s News. Copies are available in the GAC office.
DARKROOM Rental – Available are several enlargers and the necessary trays, sink, safe light, timers, etc. Chemicals are NOT included in the rental cost. Photo paper is FREE. Bring your materials and have fun developing! Cost: $5/3 hours $25/Week INTERESTED? Contact: Shirleah Kelly 412-915-0301 or
FYI 2021-2022 OFFICERS
President-Jerry Scorpion; Vice-President- Rose Sovyak; Secretary- Shirleah Kelly
Treasurer- Pat Majcher Members-at-Large: Gloria Gonzalez, Sarah Hunter, Tami Krusper, Peg Panasiti, Barbara Park, Loretta Wolf, and Mary Yeager.
Newsletter Submissions to Note: March 29 is the final submission date for April’s News. Copies are available in the GAC office.