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Member Meeting: SEPTEMBER 12, 7pm
Upcoming Exhibition

WPS is composed of amateur and professional photographers who are encouraged to share their collective experience and knowledge of photography
FYI Mary Yeager won the Monet basket. Andy Warhol is the theme for the new basket by Susan Wisneski.
Click here to purchase basket tickets via PayPal
Thank you, thank you to all those that helped make the Yard Sale a success. All efforts were needed and greatly appreciated.
A special Thanks to Joe Schildkamp and Sue Kiren for their donations. Also, thank to Anne Bush who donated her sister’s art books and supplies. Get well cards were sent to Marcy Koynok and Joni Rozell.
FRANK WEBB With sadness, we announce the passing of Frank Webb, watercolorist extraordinaire. We all benefitted from his exhibited works, workshops and daily facebook postings. We extend our sympathy to his family.
FYI CORRESPONDENCES SECRETARY’S REQUEST Please send information for get well, sympathy, thinking of you, etc. cards to Mary Jennings at

The Fall schedule of classes is posted on the web site There are paper copies available at the Art Center. Classes begin Sept 6 and continue through early December.
in receiving notices or updates on classes, please send your email to Peg.
Painting with Jerry Saturday afternoons 1pm
Paint A Masterpiece with Nina Stahlberg Thurs 10:00AM-1:00PM on-going
Model Sessions are on the 3rd Thursday of each month, 10-1pm
Figure Drawing Sessions While GAC’s Artists Sketch or Paint You! $50 for the three-hour session from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. If you would have an interest or know of someone who might have an interest in this opportunity, please inform Nancy Dalverny 412-373-0711 or Carolyn Taylor 724-219-9330
APPLICATIONS for EXHIBITIONS in the 2022/23 Years
If you or a group of artists wants to exhibit your work in our gallery next year, APPLY NOW. Artist proposals are available on the website at
MINI-FALL FESTIVAL… THE GREENSBURG ART CENTER will participate in the Mini-Fall Festival at Twin Lakes Park September 24, 11-6pm. We will have a table and an area in the Activity Center. If you wish to participate, contact Pat Majcher (, 724-244-6584).
SAMA: Fall Plein Air Paint Out Sept. 22-24. CALLING ARTISTS FOR PLEIN AIR PAINTING EVENT Schwarz Farm, 504 Beech Hills Road, Jeannette, PA (3.1 miles from downtown Greensburg) Saturday, October 8th 11:00 am – 2:00 pm & Sunday, October 9th 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
SEEKING ARTISTS who would be interested in painting outdoors on the Westmoreland Land Trust’s proposed Carl A. Schwarz Memorial Nature and Art Park property during their 2022 Visitor’s Day on October 8th and 9th. To learn more about the site go to and click on Conservation of Schwarz Farm. A aerial video of the property is also available at:
If interested in participating, please RSVP by September 30th with the time(s) you can be on site to Barbara Jones at Use the same email for any questions. Directions will be provided. There will be at least 2 tents set up on the property for those who need shade. Water & refreshments will be available. Bathroom facilities will be available in the farmhouse and porta-potties just outside the house. Artists are welcome to come early and stay late.
Calling for NEW Artists to Display at GAC
We are looking for Artists to display and sell their fine art in our Rowe Gallery and classroom. Items such as jewelry, fabric art, pottery, as well as small pieces of wall art are welcome. Any medium is acceptable. Prospective artists must be juried in by the AM committee. Items are displayed throughout the year and concludes with our big event the “Art of Gifting” held during November and December. Interested artists may contact the committee chairperson Debbie King at or by the link on the GAC website
Opportunity for Artist Market Members Only GAC is accepting “Small Works”. For guidelines, please go to under Artist Market. Watch for more details in e-mails and Facebook.
Call for Proposals for Regional Artist Exhibitions: The Westmoreland is accepting proposals for exhibitions, which are held in the Robertshaw Gallery. Regional artists working in all media and living within a 150-mile radius of Greensburg/Pittsburgh, PA will be considered. Site-specific installations are welcome. For more information about submission guidelines, please contact Curatorial Assistant Bonnie West at 724.837.1500 x129 or
“Picture this at the Library” is a joint venture between the Greensburg Art Center and the Greensburg-Hempfield Library. For questions or comments , please contact me at 412-558-0810 or
We would like to give any special award or activity recognition to MEMBERS in this Newsletter. Kindly, submit this detailed information in an email to

For all of you who love the Greensburg Art Center SHOW YOUR SUPPORT IN A MEANINGFUL WAY TO HELP US CONTINUE TO SERVE AS A TRUE COMMUNITY ART CENTER THROUGH YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE CENTER… donate via PayPal or at or Call 724-837-6791 or Mail your contribution to Greensburg Art Center, 230 Todd School Road, Greensburg, PA 15601
Individual – $40 Family – $70. College Students-&25 Artist market – $40
Benefits include: 10% off classes, workshops and rentals, and with our partner businesses
Eligibility for Artist Market, teaching, exhibitions in Members-Only Exhibition and auxiliary exhibits
Discounts on artist commissions; voting rights; prospectus and newsletter updates
Thanks to all who have paid their dues for 2022!
MONITOR MANAGER Loretta Wolfe is scheduling the volunteers and is finding substitutes when necessary. If interested in helping by agreeing to take one 3-hour shift, please contact Loretta at 724-837-5534 or
______Attend Westmoreland Heritage Meetings and give feed-back
______Clear weeds/ add/subtract plants on a regular basis
______Clean-up/ set-up before/ after an event
______Help secure/complete Grant information
______ Secure donations for Exhibitions
______PR/Tweet/ FB/other
______Help and/or teach Children’s classes
_____ Install exhibitions, help with mailings, receiving/picking up art
______Offer other service____________________________________________________
YOU ARE NEEDED –Kindly Visit GAC and leave your Name, phone number, E-mail
or Please check the area that needs help with your contact information and mail it to : Greensburg Art Center, 320 Todd School Road, Greensburg, PA 15601
INSTAGRAM To view GAC on Instagram, go to Download the free app and type in (all one word) in the “Search” box at the top of the page. For our members who want to share their work and be shown as a member of GAC, please send photos and comments in an email
GAC ARCHIVES Greensburg Art Center roots began in 1929 and it has gradually grown. Help documenting by
placing clippings and articles from the kitchen area bulletin boards and elsewhere to the storage area below the library sign-out clipboard. The Historical Archive Team will determine what to keep and what not to save for historical records.
DARKROOM Rental – Available are several enlargers and the necessary trays, sink, safe light, timers, etc. Chemicals are NOT included in the rental cost. Photo paper is FREE. Bring your materials and have fun developing! Cost: $5/3 hours $25/Week INTERESTED? Contact: Shirleah Kelly 412-915-0301 or
Send Newsletter SUBMISSIONS by September 28 to
Copies will be available in the GAC office.