General Members Meeting Monday, September 9, 7:00pm
‘What is Printmaking?’ At the September General Meeting, Eileen Yeager, Stephanie Oplinger and Pat Majcher will explain what it is all about. The program will begin at 7pm before the business meeting.
For other specific committee meetings, please attend as directed by the committee.
ImPRESSions – Printmaking Exhibit
An exhibition featuring traditional printmaking techniques is scheduled for Sept 14 – Oct 19. Printmaking is an art form that is done in many ways, and this exhibit will open your eyes to its unique approaches. This show is a collaboration between Greensburg Art Center and the Pittsburgh Print Group and open to members of both groups. The juror for prizes is Jeremiah William McCarthy, chief curator at the Westmoreland Museum of American Art. Classroom Walls will feature the artwork of John Caringola.
Art of Gifting November 2 through December 20
MEMBERS EXHIBITS AT THE LIBRARY Greensburg-Hempfield Library, Pennsylvania Ave., Greensburg
Doris Wood September 6 through October 11
The works of local artist and interior designer Doris Wood will be featured at the next “Picture This” exhibit at the Greensburg Hempfield Area Library, beginning on September 6 and continuing through October 11. A free opening reception will be held on Friday, September 20 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Watercolors, oil paintings, and photographs, developed over a period of more than three decades, will give insight into Wood’s artistic journey, which also has included architectural drawing, set and costume design for area high school theatre productions that she also directed, and designing commercial and residential spaces for Westmoreland County businesses and residents.
Upcoming Exhibits at the Library
Loyalhanna Spinners October 18 through November 22
PICTURE THIS AT THE LIBRARY, is the collaborative effort of the Greensburg Art Center and the Greensburg-Hempfield Library. The members of the Greensburg Art Center have been very supportive in the past and are encouraged to continue to take part in this opportunity. The exhibits are free and open to the public. Would you like to exhibit it at the library in 2025? Contact Rose Sovyak at 412-558-0810 or
Fall Session 2024 has a Full Slate of Art Opportunities for All “Whew!!” That is the GAC Education Committee’s response after compiling the latest class flyer that includes a wide variety of classes and workshops for the Fall 2024 Session. We have more new and unique offerings than ever for interested artists and wanna-be artists to view and select. That is good news. Yet, our center has a limited amount of space with which to provide those opportunities and as more good news, many adjustments have been made to share the building and space at our venue. Thanks to all of the instructors and participants who graciously made those adjustments so that all invested groups are able to be a part of the complex series of offerings this and every session.Whether you are an instructor, student or supporter, we send our note of appreciation for the commitment and assistance that allows Greensburg Art Center to be available as a vibrant and inclusive venue for art and learning.
The Education Committee,
Nancy Dalverny, Pat Majcher, and Shirleah Kelly
The fall class schedule is posted on our website Printed copies are available at the Art Center. Some new classes include ‘Fantasy Character Development’ ages teen to adult; ‘Express Yourself in Color’ ages 6 to 11; ‘Exploring Hand Building in Clay’, ages 18 and up. Printed copies are available at the Art Center or you can register on line, by mail, or in person.
Notes and clarifications about the fall schedule:
Kathy Mitchell’s watercolor class on Tuesdays is for beginners.
Fantasy Character Development is being taught by Tom Tholen.
The Saturday morning children’s class is 10:30-NOON. The cost is $50.
If you want to conduct a class in the future, send your proposal to the Education Committee. Proposal forms are available at GAC and on the GAC Website. The Education Committee is Pat Majcher, Shirleah Kelly and Nancy Dalverny or call the Art Center.
Of the Greensburg Art Center Sunday September 8th, 2pm to 4pm
Baltzer Meyer Historical Society
642 Baltzer Meyer Pike, Greensburg, PA 15601
Members of the Greensburg Art Club will present an overview of the Art Club from its inception as the Kinderhook Art Club in 1929 to its present day hub of art activities. Some of the artwork on display will be by Betty Reese, Phyllis Koehler and others, several of which are available for purchase. Refreshments and light snacks will be served. Free to the public. Donations are greatly appreciated. Instagram and Facebook
2024 MUG SWAP – POTTERY EVENT Make a Mug, Get a Mug – Meet local potters. Please produce a functional, food safe mug for exchange. Sign up by September 30th. Mug swap party date to be announced later. Contact Marine Ruth at 412-925-3559 or email at
Attention Figure Drawing Artists and those who want to give drawing the figure a try! A small group of us meet monthly to take advantage of the opportunity to sit before a person from our midst who poses for us. Try asking your friend or spouse to do this and you will see the value of having a willing volunteer as a model! Never fear!! We take the opportunity to share tips and strategies with ways each of us has discovered to get a successful drawing on canvas or paper. This is a no intimidation zone. We do not always end up with a masterpiece, but we can certainly enjoy accepting the challenge.
Figure Drawing meets the third Thursday of each month from 10 am to 1pm. You may incorporate whatever medium and approach you may choose or come just to observe before jumping in to paint or sketch. Just a reminder that our charge of just $10.00 includes both model and building use fee.
OPEN STUDIOS and Ongoing Classes Open studios do not require formal registration and can be attended once, or however many times you want. Contact the Center to obtain information from the Open Studio artist such as cost, schedule, etc. Reference the title (below) in bold and the artist if applicable.
- Model Session, Third Thursday of the Month, 10-1:00pm, teen – adult
- Painting with Nina, Thursday mornings 10-1:00, adult (other than model sessions the 3rd Thursday of the month)
- Painting with Jerry Saturday afternoons at 1pm, oil painting. A $4 studio is required per session.
- Wednesday Night Painters with Peg Panasiti, 7pm, Watercolor. Anyone interested in receiving notices or updates on the Wednesday Night Painters, please send your email to Peg Class will continue through the winter months. Make sure Peg has your email in the event of a cancellation due to the weather.
- For any Studio session, if you need more information, you can always contact GAC by phone, 724-837-6791


Southwestern Pennsylvania Council for the Arts 29th Annual Regional Juried Art Exhibition FINAL CALL FOR ENTRIES! Online Entry Deadline: Monday, Sept 2, Midnight. Mail-in accepted postmarked Tuesday, Sept 3 due to USPS holiday schedule. Exhibit Dates: November 15, 2024, through February 2, 2025. in the galleries of the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art at Ligonier Valley. Entry Fee: $40. Download the prospectus or enter online at Opening reception: Saturday, November 16, 6-8pm.
Accepted artists should be aware of the following timeline:
November 2 – Application Deadline
November 23-24: Drop off artwork.
December 7: Opening reception, 7PM.
December 21: Exhibition closes.
January 4-5: Pick up artwork.
Unity Chapel 250th Anniversary Plein Air Exhibit Participating artists will exhibit their works during a reception, October 18, 2024 hosted at Latrobe Art Center. The exhibit will continue October 4 – 28, 2024.Scottdale PA celebrates its 150th Anniversary with an Exhibit of the Plein Air Art created through the summer
SEPTEMBER 20-22 – EXHIBIT AT THE SCOTTDALE FALL FESTIVAL Opening is scheduled for Thursday, September 19 from 6pm to 8pm at the Elks, located at 151 Pittsburgh Street, Scottdale – enter from the Stoner Street side. The public is invited. If you cannot make it Thursday, stop by during the Fall Festival, September 20 – 22.
A Special Invitation – the many former students of Sue Pollins are invited to join her for a critique of their work. There is no charge. Just contact Sue and make a date. Call or text 724-822-6727, email
PAINTING IN THE PARK A new weekly Plein Air event in Johnstown’s Central Park, every Saturday, 11am to 3pm, June through September. Hosted by Gallery on Gazebo For more information email or call 814-539-4345
APPLICATIONS in the Rowe Gallery for EXHIBITIONS in the year 2025 If you or a group of artists wants to exhibit your work in our Rowe Gallery next year, APPLY NOW. Artist proposals are available on the website at We have recently revised our Gallery fee to be more affordable. Check with any Gallery or Executive Committee member.
ARTIST MARKET is looking for ARTISTS We are looking for Artists to display and sell their fine art in our Rowe Gallery and classroom. Items such as jewelry, fabric art, pottery, as well as small pieces of wall art are welcome. Any medium is acceptable. Prospective artists must be juried in by the Artist Market committee. Items are displayed throughout the year and concludes with our big event, the “Art of Gifting”, held during November and December. Interested artists may contact the committee chairperson Debbie King at debra_j_king@yahoo. com or by the link on the GAC website
Eileen Yeager received an Honorable Mention for her “American Herb Quilt,” a Monoprint – Etching, Nature Print and Monotype, from Juror Andy Yoder, Artist, in the August Open Show at the Art League Gallery in the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria Va. Show runs August 7 – September 8.

Sympathy card sent to Catherine Weisz as her husband passed away.
Thinking of You card sent to Sue Pollins.
Thank You sent to George Socher for donation in Rebecca Gardner’s name.
Individual – $40 Family – $70 College Students – $25
Artist market, additional – $40
LORETTA IS LOOKING FOR MONITORS MONITOR MANAGER Loretta Wolfe is scheduling the volunteers and is finding substitutes when necessary. If interested in helping by agreeing to take one 3-hour shift PER month, please contact Loretta at 724-837-5534 or
Many students in Westmoreland County are required to perform a specific number of community service hours for their school requirements. PERFECT! The Greensburg Art Center (a nonprofit organization in Hempfield Twp., adjacent to Route 30) is forming a Garden Committee. We’d like to invite YOU to call Rose Sovyak at 412-558-0810 for more information. Volunteering at the Art Center is a great way to fulfill your community service hours. Plus, you can have fun getting dirty, and at the same time “save the knees’ of grandmothers!
Membership Contact Pat Majcher (724-244-6584, majr1186@comcast) for more information.

Do you want to buy or sell something art related? Contact Mary at or 724-216-7477RENTALS
If you or your group are interested in renting space a GAC for an event, consider the Kitchen and Gallery. The kitchen provides a fully functional kitchen with oven, stove top, microwave and serving ware and the Gallery to a truly impressive space to entertain. Rental fees range from $100 to $200 depending upon membership and if you need the classroom, kitchen and/or gallery. Contact the Center for more detailed information.
Send Newsletter SUBMISSIONS to Mary Yeager one week before the last day of the month. Copies will be available in the GAC office.
2023-2024 Executive Board
President: Rose Sovyak Members at Large
Vice President: Marcia Koynok Sarah Hunter Peg Panasiti
Treasurer: Pat Majcher Tami Krusper Loretta Wolfe
Secretary: Mary Yeager Linley Nagy Nancy Rusbosin
Advisor: Olga Herbert Donna Merritts
424 North Main Street, in the rear of the YWCA building in Greensburg For all your art supplies and great deals on framing. GAC members receive 10% off !! NEW LOCATION |