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Drawing February 14, 2022
Featured speaker at 2 PM. Please contact Rosemary Sovyak, 412-558-0810 or email at with questions about the CAFE.
The Greensburg Art Center is sponsoring a new twist for the March 5,2021 Café’ Art. The event is titled, “From Cathy’s Heart to Yours,” and will focus on a sale of art supplies from Cathy Rosensteel’s art cabinet. These supplies include canvasses, paint supplies brushes, frames and many other art materials. The items will be reasonably priced and the proceeds will benefit the art center’s educational programs. We are encouraging members to come and take advantage of the sale. Please contact Rose Sovyak if you have any questions.
NEW OUTDOOR SIGNS will soon be installed on 2 sides of the Art Center building. Thanks to Joe Schildkamp for managing this project.
The Greensburg Art Center was included in “A National Art Tour Documentary”
Art Club member Polly O’Hara and several others met with ceramic artists from California to create a 4’x4′ ceramic mural representing southwestern Pennsylvania. The mural is presently drying in preparation for firing. It will be complete and ready for installation in April. There will be much more about this project then.
The Tribune Review printed an article on Jan. 3 in a special edition.
A Spring schedule of classes are available on the WEB at
CLASSES BEGINNING IN FEBRUARY (registration on line with paypal, by check or by cash:
February 15,22, March 1,15 $60 - ART TALKS – WATER MEDIA WITH SUE POLLINS 8 Thursday Afternoons, 2-5:00
Feb 24-Apr 14 $95 - DAYTIME CLAY -BEGINNER 8 Thursdays Feb 17-April 7 2-4:30 $120*
- BEGINNER II (continuing from fall clay classes) 8 Thursdays Feb 17-April 7
6:30-9:00 $120*The Clay Studio is planning a raku workshop for later in the Spring. Dates will be announced soon.
- ATTENTION: WEDNESDAY NIGHT PAINTERS AND ART STUDENTS Anyone interested in receiving notices or updates on classes, please send your email to Peg.
- Interested in an on-going POLYMER CLAY GROUP?? Contact: Toni Dubovsky-Modar, 412-303-8013.
If you would have an interest or know of someone who might have an interest in this opportunity, please inform Nancy Dalverny (; 412-373-0711) or Carolyn Taylor (; 724-219-9330) and you will be contacted with details in preparation for the experience. In addition, you would be paid $50 for the three-hour session which allows for numerous breaks throughout! Note: Monthly Figure Drawing sessions are held every third Thursday of each month from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Let your inner personality come through or reveal another side you would like to share! Wear your favorite street clothes or devise a special costume for our sitting. Join us for your once in a lifetime experience in GAC’s very special figure drawing studio!CONTINUING:
- Painting with Jerry Saturday afternoons 1pm
- Paint A Masterpiece with Nina Stahlberg Thurs 10:00AM-1:00PM on-going
- Model Sessions are on the 3rd Thursday of each month, 10-1pm
Individual – $40 Family – $70. College Students-&25 Artist market – $40
Benefits include:
10% off classes, workshops and rentals, and with our partner businesses
Eligibility for Artist Market, teaching, exhibitions in Members-Only Exhibition and auxiliary exhibits
Discounts on artist commissions; voting rights; prospectus and newsletter updates

Mary is taking over the correspondence secretary’s duties from Barbara Park. Thanks to Barbara for the last several years! Thanks to Mary for stepping up!Marian S. Ash recently passed.
Marian was active 15-20 or so years as a Member of GAC. Sue Pollins remembered her as ” a sweet lady, very pretty and talented. I treasured a charcoal house portrait of my home done at a plein air session with Betty Reese, Gerry Beitel, Alan Reese and more…….oh my, I am becoming the memory of the group along with Nina.SUPPORT — For all of you who love the Greensburg Art Center SHOW YOUR SUPPORT IN A MEANINGFUL WAY TO HELP US CONTINUE TO SERVE AS A TRUE COMMUNITY ART CENTER THROUGH YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE CENTER… donate via PayPal or at or Call 724-837-6791 or Mail your contribution to Greensburg Art Center, 230 Todd School Road, Greensburg, PA 15601MONITOR MANAGER Loretta Wolfe is scheduling the volunteers and is finding substitutes when necessary. If interested in helping by agreeing to take one 3-hour shift, please contact Loretta at 724-837-5534.
We would like to give any special award or activity recognition to MEMBERS in this Newsletter. Kindly, submit this detailed information in an email to
Mon Chéri at Feather’s Artist Market–Feb. 1-28th
Exhibiting artists Stacey Pydynkowski and Sarah Hunter wish to help the viewer step into a “garden” celebrating the beauty of nature and the joy and pain of the human experience. The show is free and open to the public at 102 4th Street, Irwin 15642
Art Neighbors Show!
Greensburg Art Center will be hosting this show April 23rd to June 11th more information to follow! The show will be open to all Greensburg Art Center and Latrobe Art Center Members. Watch for entry forms at the GAC website.
GAC ARCHIVES Greensburg Art Center has had a fascinating history through the years. Its roots began in 1929 and it has gradually grown into the modern art center we know today. Saving and documenting the records of events from those years has been a task undertaken by members over the decades. Scrapbooks filled with such memorabilia are stored below the bookshelves in the closed bottom left storage areas*.
When opportunities are presented to replace clippings and articles from the kitchen area bulletin boards, those clippings should be placed on top of the assembled collection in the storage area for future compilation into a scrapbook. Rather than throwing any information away, just place articles in the storage area and the historical archive team will determine what to keep and what not to save for our center’s historical records.
*Stored items are kept directly below the library book sign out clipboard.
“Picture this at the Library” is a joint venture between the Greensburg Art Center and the Greensburg-Hempfield Library. For questions or comments , please contact me at 412-558-0810 or
- The Westmoreland Museum of American Art Call for Op-Up Exhibition Proposals. The Westmoreland is accepting proposals for Pop-Up Exhibitions, which are held in the Robertshaw Gallery (adjacent to the lobby on the 1st floor). or by the link on the GAC website
- Calling for NEW Artists to Display at GAC: We are looking for Artists to display and sell their fine art in our Rowe Gallery and classroom. Items such as jewelry, fabric art, pottery, as well as small pieces of wall art are welcome. Any medium is acceptable. Surprise us with what you have! Prospective artists must be juried in by the AM committee. Items are displayed throughout the year and concludes with our big event the “Art of Gifting” held during November and December. Interested artists may contact the committee chairperson Debbie King at Artist Market. Watch for more details in e-mails and Facebook.
- Opportunity for Artist Market Members Only GAC is accepting “Small Works”. For guidelines, please go to
VOLUNTEERS WELCOME Committees need helping hands–installing exhibitions, mailings, receiving/picking up art, opening set-ups, take-downs, etc.
INSTAGRAM To view GAC on Instagram, go to, download the free app, and type in (all one word) in the “Search” box at the top of the page. For our members who want to share their work and be shown as a member of GAC, please send photos and comments in an email
DARKROOM Rental – Available are several enlargers and the necessary trays, sink, safe light, timers, etc. Chemicals are NOT included in the rental cost. Photo paper is FREE. Bring your materials and have fun developing! Cost: $5/3 hours $25/Week INTERESTED? Contact: Shirleah Kelly 412-915-0301 or
Send Newsletter SUBMISSIONS by March 28 to
February Copies will be available in the GAC office.