DATES TO REMEMBER Member Meeting, Monday July 10, 2023, 7pm
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Becky Mormack and Nancy Rusbosin
July 8-July 28 / Opening reception July 8, 4-6pm;
Closing Reception July 28, 5-7pm
Paintings Drawing Prints by Michael Walter
August 5 through August 26
‘FROM THE EARTH’ a Ceramic Exhibition
This is the first pottery/ceramic exhibit GAC has done and it is taking place September 9 through October 21, 2023. Opening reception is September 9, 6 to 9pm. Start working on the ceramic pieces now! This is an open show with juror Yoko Sekino-Bové of Carnegie Mellon selecting the winners. Registration Due by August 22. Deliver work to GAC August 29, 31, and September 2 from 10 am to 3pm. A total of $1,900 in prizes will be awarded. Categories include: A) Thrown pieces (created on the wheel), B) Hand built pieces (slab, coil, pinch or combination), C) Sculptures and Relief, D) Children’s Works – Children under the age of 15 that have taken pottery classes at GAC qualify. They are encouraged to submit 2 pieces. At least one will be accepted. E) 2D works (paintings) must highlight a pottery piece, or the process of pottery/ceramics. 2D works are not eligible for prizes but can be listed for sale. GAC Commissions apply. The rules for acceptance for categories A, B, C, and D: the piece/s must be made of ceramic clay and fired in a kiln; no factory or commercial mold produced items will be accepted. This will be an exciting exhibition we’re looking forward to presenting. The prospectus is posted on GAC’s website and print copies are available in the gallery. Enter online here.
ADVERTISING in the program is open to businesses and individuals. Ad prices range from $25 to $100 and Prize sponsorship ranges from $25 to $300. We would love to include you in the program!
The Summer Class Schedule is posted on GAC’s website and available in print in the gallery. Register online, by mail or in person – paypal, credit card, cash or check. You can also contact Greensburg Art Center by phone for more information. SUMMER CLASSES Classes began in the middle of June….HOWEVER…..
Those beginning or continuing in July include:
- Art Basics for Children ages 6-11, 5 Tuesday mornings.
- Art Camp (Keep ART in eARth) for ages 6-11, July 24-28, 9:00-noon
- Graphic Novel Design for ages 11-16, 4 Fridays, 6-8:00
- Oil Painting with Jackie Moreno, Tuesdays June 13-Aug 8, 1-4:00, $19 each session
- Photography using your phone or digital camera, 2 Mondays, July 31 & Aug 7, 6-8:00, teen – adult
- Model Sessions July 19, August 17, 10-1:00, teen – adult
- Painting with Nina, Thursday mornings 10-1:00, adult (other than model sessions)
- Sue Pollins meet, paint, assess, Thursdays 2-5:00, teen-adult, $10/session
- Mosaics with Rose Sovyak, August 18, 6-8:30 PM, children and adults
- Open Studios and Wednesday Night Painters will continue through the summer.
- Clay classes will begin in July.
- Raku workshop is scheduled for Aug 19.
- Clay for Kids on Wed has already filled up with an additional class scheduled for Thursday, 10 to 12pm.
- Mini Clay Session for adults, 4 weeks. Thursday and Friday evening (Thursday evening is full), 6:30 to 9:00 pm. Classes start on July 6 and 7.
Anyone who wants to teach a class in the fall
should submit a proposal by July 31.
Open Studios and Wednesday Night Painters
will continue through the summer.
This month’s ‘From the Archives’ Tid-Bit is from the GAC history;
In 1952 Viennese-born Henry Koerner (painter of the Martha Morgan portrait hanging in the GAC classroom) began his art training in Vienna’s Academy of Applied Arts. His parents were victims during Nazi control in Vienna. Henry came to the United States in1938 and began to work with the Office of War Information in NY and entered the Army in 1942. He served with the Office of Strategic Services in England and Germany and returned to the US in 1948 and gained fame with five exhibitions in five years. His 1952 Exhibition opened in New York Midtown Galleries. When Henry was artist-in-residence in Pittsburgh at the PA College for Woman in that same year, he married a violin student named Joan Frasher who modeled for him. Currently, two of his paintings are exhibited at the Westmoreland Museum of Am Art. One is on the left wall in the entrance.Look for more Excerpts in the August Newsletter.UPCOMING MEMBER EXHIBITS

June-July: Suzanne Panchura – The exhibit, entitled “Bloom,” will begin on June 30, 2023 with an opening reception on July 7, 2023 from 5-7 PM. The members of the Greensburg Art Center and the community are encouraged to join Suzanne and the library staff at the open house!
August: Stephanie Oplinger, August 4 – September 7
September: Jackie Moreno’s class, September 15 – October 19
Would you like to exhibit at the library next year? Contact Rose Sovyak at 412-558-0810 or

Artist Sarah Hunter presents ‘So the Sky Fell’.
Opening Reception August 5th from 6 to 9pm and an
Open House August 10th 4 to 8pm at ‘The Manos Gallery’,
located at 320 East 5th Avenue, Tarentum, PA
Westmoreland Arts & Heritage Festival – Westmoreland Art Nationals
A juried art and photography competition, featuring art from all around the country. The first exhibit was held in Commissioners Hall at Westmoreland County Community College in Youngwood, PA.
The second exhibit will be held at the Westmoreland Arts & Heritage Festival at Twin Lakes Park in Greensburg, PA on Thursday, June 29 through Sunday, July 2 with the Opening Reception set for Saturday, June 24 from 6-8 PM. Awards will be Announced at 7:00 PM on June 24 and posted on our Facebook page. Both shows are free and open to the public to attend.
Digital exhibitions will have artwork that is accepted into both exhibits and will also be displayed on our Facebook page. The second Exhibit will run from June 24 – July 22, 2023.
Facebook page; Are Here – ‘All Hung’
The ‘All Hung’ exhibit will be displayed Thursday, May 25, 2023 through Saturday, July 15, 2023. Visit
Latrobe Art Center’s Annual Open Show
This exhibition will be on display from Monday, June 5—Tuesday, July 11, 2023.
The Westmoreland is accepting proposals for exhibitions, which are held in the Robertshaw Gallery. Regional artists working in all media and living within a 150-mile radius of Greensburg/Pittsburgh, PA will be considered. Site-specific installations are welcome. For more information about submission guidelines, please contact Curatorial Assistant Bonnie West at 724.837.1500 x129 or
ACRE ‘Alliance for Creative Rural Economies’, is launching entrepreneur opportunities for artists in Greensburg, Johnstown and New Kensington. Applications are open May 15 to July 10. This program provides ‘foundations to become confident business owners ready to professionalize their passion’. To learn more, Go to Dressler Center for the Arts, Somerset, PA
‘HAUNTED, the Sequel’ CALL FOR ENTRIES! Special Effects Makeup Artists, Monster Makers, Fabricators, & Prop Makers. 3D and 2D works are acceptable.
This exhibit will showcase the art forms of special effects makeup, fabrication and monster making, prop making, and other skillful techniques used in the world of the Haunt. Workshops and speakers are planned throughout the exhibit. Drop Off: The Philip Dressler Center for the Arts, 214 Harrison Ave., Somerset, PA 15501. Wednesday, October 4th & Thursday, Oct. 5th from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, October 7th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Special Effects Makeup Artists, Monster Makers, Fabricators, & Prop Makers. For details and the prospectus, see For questions, contact Becca Frola-Biss at
The Southwestern Pennsylvania Council for the Arts 28th Annual Juried Art Exhibition. Exhibition Dates: Nov. 17, 2023 through Feb. 4, 2024. Entry Deadline: Sept. 1, 2023. Hosted by the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art at Ligonier Valley. Entry Fee: $40. Mail in entry form and online entry available at
Westmoreland Arts & Heritage Festival – Westmoreland Art Nationals For the first exhibit, Congratulations to GAC Members winning awards: Best in Show: ‘Morning Practice’, Marcia Koynok; Executive Director’s Choice Award: ‘L’Idealiste En Paris’, Shirleah Kelly; Photography Award: ‘Infrared Photo’, Alexis Dillon.
This year’s prize winners include GAC members First Place: Eileen Yeager; Third Place: Marcy Koynok, and Honorable Mentions to Mary Ellen Raneria, Richard Stoner and Nancy Rusbosin. Congratulations!!

Thanks to all who have contributed in memory of Nancy Galm. It is heartwarming to be reminded of how much we owe to Greensburg Art Club Members who have come before us. Greensburg Art Center expresses our condolences to her family and friends and are grateful for her contributions to the Greensburg Art Club/Center.Get Well Wishes go out to Marcia Gilbert. We hope you’re up and about very soon.Greensburg Art Center members offer their sympathies to Bernadette Farah and family. Bernie’s mother-in-law Toni Farah passed away recently.
There has been extensive renovation, reorganization and cleaning in the clay and printmaking studios. This has been done in part with a $2000 grant from the Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts secured by Olga Herbert. The matching funds came from the always generous donations of our members. Thank you to all who have volunteered many hours to make this plan a reality.

- Painting with Jerry Saturday afternoons at 1pm, oil painting
- Wednesday Night Painters with Peg Panasiti 7pm, watercoler
- Paint A Masterpiece with Nina Stahlberg Thursday 10:00AM-1:00PM, except the 3rd Thursday of the month
- on-going, oils, acrylics, pastels mediums
- Model Sessions are on the 3rd Thursday of each month, 10-1pm,
- Models are Needed, Figure Drawing Sessions While GAC’s Artists Sketch or Paint You! $50 for the three-hour session from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. If you would have an interest or know of someone who might have an interest in this opportunity, please inform Nancy Dalverny 412-373-0711 or Carolyn Taylor 724-219-9330
- Nancy and Becky’s Paint and Sip, contact the Center to get on the mailing list.
- Print Studio, Tuesday afternoons, 1 to 4 pm. Those with prior print experience only. Must schedule in advance with Eileen Yeager, 412-491-1192 or
For any Studio session, if you need more information, you can always contact GAC by phone, 724-837-6791
Anyone interested in receiving notices or updates on the Wednesday Night Painters, please send your email to Peg
Touchstone Center for Crafts
Opportunity for Veterans
Veteran Scholarships are available for veterans and their family members for a 2, 3, for 5 day workshop at Touchstone Center for the Crafts.
For more information and to apply, please visit:
Opportunities & Job Listings at Touchstone Center for Crafts
For more information and to apply:
APPLICATIONS in the Rowe Gallery for EXHIBITIONS in the 2023/24 Years
If you or a group of artists wants to exhibit your work in our Rowe Gallery next year, APPLY NOW. Artist proposals are available on the website at We have recently revised our Gallery fee to be more affordable. Check with any Gallery or Executive Committee member.
We are looking for Artists to display and sell their fine art in our Rowe Gallery and classroom. Items such as jewelry, fabric art, pottery, as well as small pieces of wall art are welcome. Any medium is acceptable. Prospective artists must be juried in by the Artist Market committee. Items are displayed throughout the year and concludes with our big event, the “Art of Gifting”, held during November and December. Interested artists may contact the committee chairperson Debbie King at or by the link on the GAC website
Opportunity for Artist Market Members Only, GAC is accepting “Small Works”. For guidelines, please go to under Artist Market. Watch for more details in e-mails and Facebook.
For all of you who love the Greensburg Art Center, Show your support in a meaningful way. Help us continue to serve as a true Community Art Center through your contribution to the Center. donate via PayPal or at or Call 724-837-6791 or Mail your contribution to Greensburg Art Center, 230 Todd School Road, Greensburg, PA 15601
Individual – $40 Family – $70 College Students – $25
Artist market – $40
Membership for 2023 is due. Benefits include: 10% off classes, workshops and rentals, and with our partner businesses. Eligibility for Artist Market, teaching, exhibitions in Members-Only Exhibition and auxiliary exhibits. Discounts on artist commissions, voting rights; prospectus and newsletter updates. Thanks to all who have paid their dues for 2023!
MONITOR MANAGER Loretta Wolfe is scheduling the volunteers and is finding substitutes when necessary. If interested in helping by agreeing to take one 3-hour shift PER month, please contact Loretta at 724-837-5534 or
______GO Laurel Highlands contact, we are a member but need someone get involved with GO
Laurel Highlands to make the membership work better for GAC.
______Attend Westmoreland Heritage Meetings and give feed-back
______ CHILDREN’S CLASS HELPERS NEEDED FOR THE SUMMER CAMP, JULY 24-28, contact the Education Committee; Pat Majcher, Nancy Dalverny 412-373-0711, or Shirleah Kelly or call the Center.
Offer other service____________________________________________________
YOU ARE NEEDED –Kindly Call or Visit GAC and leave your Name, phone number,
E-mail or from the webpage, go to: Send a message to the center ( or Email directly at, or drop us a line via the US Mail. Label ‘Volunteer’ on the envelope.
ART RESTORATION: Painting torn while moving. Looking for someone who can restore/fix. Contact the Art Center and ask the monitor to provide the contact information (located on the kitchen bulletin board).
STAINED GLASS TOOLS, grinder, cutting tools, marking tools, patterns, etc. Contact Mary Yeager for a complete list and make a fair price offer. or 724-216-7477
Do you want something art related advertised? Contact Mary at or 724-216-7477
If you or your group are interested in renting space a GAC for an event, consider the Kitchen and Gallery. The kitchen provides a fully functional kitchen with oven, stove top, microwave and serving ware and the Gallery to a truly impressive space to entertain. Rental fees range from $100 to $200 depending upon membership and if you need the classroom, kitchen and/or gallery. Contact the Center for more detailed information.
Available are several enlargers and the necessary trays, sink, safe light, timers, etc. Chemicals are NOT included in the rental cost. Photo paper is FREE. Bring your materials and have fun developing! Cost: $5/3 hours $25/Week INTERESTED? Contact: Shirleah Kelly 412-915-0301 or
POTTERY STUDIO Wheel or Kiln Space is available for rent by GAC members only, Contact Johanna Sheppard at
NEWSLETTER Send Newsletter SUBMISSIONS to Mary Yeager one week before the last day of the month. Copies will be available in the GAC office.
2023 Executive Board
President: Jerry Scorpion
Vice President: Rose Sovyak
Treasurer: Pat Majcher
Secretary: Mary Yeager
Members at Large:
Sarah Hunter Peg Panasiti
Marcie Koynok Tami Krusper
Loretta Wolfe Nancy Rusbosin
Linley Nagy Olga Herbert